There is an inner beauty about a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. There is a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn't thrown off by obstacles along the way. There is a beauty about a woman whose confidence comes from experiences; who knows she can fall, pick herself up, and move on
my world
Friday, August 21, 2009
my world revolving pretty busily i guess.or im just purely lacking of diligency to update blog. :)) ![]() firstly,lets start talking about the chaos that had been happening at home? it settled down. simply because they are not at home. just me and my bro and so all in all nothing goes wrong. perhaps second wave will come? LORD, please no.thank you.amen. secondly,im currently having exam.not to say struggling.but yet quite happening.seriously happening. haha. especially when you-know-my-bad-habit throughout the curiculum of the course. YES, GAMBATEE DE TSU!! AIYA..i can one lah..~ thirdly,HIGHCUTS got in heats of the suntec dance. another "GAMBATE DE TSU!!" been spending so much time with the peeps here.added with extra of "sha's bf" it brought me to a realization that noone could be better than them in such situation. okay.. now everyone will start saying "wow..cieh i leh ...wahhhh..aisehh" a bunch of crazy peeps..running everywhere like they are not AGED of 17-21 that punk each other everyday. oh bimboqueen just get punked btw. that shouting vulgarities to each other each of everyday. i think i come first followed by niga hair and so on. so on and lame and shit. if its over im gonna miss it. this is include you sha..stupid.-_- fourthly,baby caught when on the phone with me. so and ..AH.. :(( hope he didnt get any confinement.AND baby im so friggin missin you.. your smell,your hug,your kisses, and omg i cant believe i said this "i miss your tickle". OOops. of course after you book out im not in the mood of missing it.HIHIHIhi
fifthly,stranger.. truth. i need truth from you. at least after the truth,perhaps it will be easier to move on.... lastlybut not the least, babe..i know its going to be tough period for you. i really want to try to comfort you, but its imposible for me to comfort you. because no matter what i say will not ease any pain that u have. therefore, i lend you my shoulder and ear and i will be there (of coz if possible) to be the one that supporting you if you fall.. but if not.. stand up yourself.. because you are strong girl :) SIDE NOTE. WAH ..XIAOMEI XIAOMEI. I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU. JANE DARLING I MISS YOU FASTER RECOVER. RUBBERSTOMACH FUCK YOU.hihihi _note_ i suppose to arrange movie meeting with kim&ron.fuck remember. if not im goin to get scolded. day by day
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
THIS IS MY FIRST and its gonna be last.out of anger maybe? or perhaps its going to b my definate? maybe when it comes to dream, actions speak louder. therefore,it doesnt match somehow. arui you just make my day without you knowing here am i blowing the my top. great ar! cute wor..~ anyway, baby thank you for being you.im so glad that i have you i know you wont be able to read this.but God knows, how im so thankfull to have you, baby,baby..i called ur name
Saturday, August 8, 2009
how life end up to be for some relationship?i've heard a thousand of sad stories. till there is apoint i doubt a happy story.but seriously there is infact. 5 years relatiiionship fall to the drain just like a snap. recently,everything pretty hectic. i guess since the day i decide not to think those freaking shit thing that occuring and push it to the back of my friggin mind. YET, it seems my frustation getting worse to WORST?!! man... give me a break. i cant be continuing this state.. insomnia + migraine attack all around pretty dangerous as exams are near the corner of the month. baby,i wish you are here. it seems that having no news from you ALMOST 4 days now, it gets me from the state of frustation to mental dehydration. baby i miss you. there is so much catch up i need to do, jane that just come back from London this 12.meme that appear in singapore. and i miss xiaomei. the cut that is high, kelv,im sory always venting myfrustation out of friggin blues. love,that always been very very very cool, and tolerating my frustation. i wonder if u stil love me after all this fuggin shit. perhaps im not really being very understanding as time constrainting till i dont even letting my butt to get stiffen in any moment in place. project mates, that sometimes iritate the hell outta me. but yea i m glad it ended. friends are still friends. stranger wil stay as stranger. and the rest i dont really wanna get involved. END OF MY FRUSTATION.let me recall since when i feel happy? hm..perhaps,when i thought shot choreography done? or when i see a cute lil retard kid running around the mrt pilar? or when i finally get my allowance? " gambatekimasu ". if it wasnt for this...... anatano genkidetsuka? sabishii ... watashi wa dokushin josei no dakishimemasu detsu if thats what youve called family.then count me out
Monday, August 3, 2009
you know i come to a apoint of realizationeveryone have their own business and life so does alll my friends out there so its so unfortunate that im all alone in the shitty shit of fuggin problematic family and while baby away, i guess liquor always been the bad habit i m adapting. all this while , i ve been ignoring all the stuff happen around. i just care what goes around in my own world. its not that i dont care, but i also afraid that it turn back and hurt me and affect everything in my life's circle.
i am always controlling emotion within me. till the point i laugh when it sux to the bottom of my heart i stop trying to b myself and adapt to everyone's expectation. but what i get? i dont even receive any recoqnisiton that i changed.
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I figured i need silence. |