There is an inner beauty about a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. There is a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn't thrown off by obstacles along the way. There is a beauty about a woman whose confidence comes from experiences; who knows she can fall, pick herself up, and move on
GREAT JOURNEY of the 28.
Monday, November 30, 2009
HAPPY ANNIVESARY to us. i know xiaomei going to comment "happy anivesary.." Agreat happy annivesary to both of us. it was a great and a blast day. seriously! i swear. i love it to the bits. we woke up early in the morning to go wild wild wet. wohoo.. we finnaly did it!!! Many cute and funny incidences occurance such as baby who didnt wanna to admit that he was the one who said this place called "WOW WILD WET". argHh! And me, who is so eager to be the one facing upfront in the "slide up" and i was freaked out and instead of enjoying the ride, baby was laughing uncontrollably. and okay i forgot how much more (the funny thing i mean) that is the first ride we took. and we went in separately. one by one.sound creepy. but the most creepy part, the moment i got in ... i scream SO LOUDLY. u know why? i was like " WHY THE FUCK THE WHOLE PLACE SO DARK?!!!!!!!" i cant see anything,i was so afraid im gonna die any moment inside.im serious!!! until when i reached downstair, the security guy kept asking me "Are you okay?" so i was like BABY IT WAS SO DARK INSIDE!!! he was like " ya.. " i was like "wtf u din tell me?" then he laughed and as usual " come on baby..lets get in again." ... PSSzzz! so i ran up to the next ride, which was higher then ularlah. nothing much happening as i couldnt see much as my back was facing the ride.-_-" but its kinda scary when i felt a fast bumping on my side, it felt like i almost fly from my seat. this is just a random picture.i didnt went here. haha.. too many children around. i swear the whole journey of this skyride, i was leaning to baby side. we started out fine. baby said " lets chase up to those person in front." i was like " okay !! " and so we dashed. halfway when we were outside where by the swimming pool under us, i was like "OHU OUWwww.... baby slow down!! it feels like the ride slanting to my side." AGAIN !!! ... baby laughed. WTH wtf! cool la baby ... you can take just the OK RIVER so zun - ly.!! AH huh..we on the way to plaza singapura for our MADE GIFT adventures. i thought i would take photo of us busy making "things" for each other. but both of us ended up TOO BUSY. but i glad we love each other made-gift! ARENT WE COOL BABY? which couple had it seriously? i mean ... this kinda of event...who sial who sial? oops..maybe have...! HAhaha. but so far no one in my circle of friends. COOL ta da.... from me for baby. PRETTY RIGHT?ta da.. from baby for me. pretty right? ESPECIALLY the idea of the glowing star (in the dark) which enable me to see our faces at the bottom of glass. :)) fresh sial! incase u cant see the drawing..
We headed to ps cafe for dinner. It was a yummy! a serious yummy yummy! food with a great wine. BEST! i love red wine. ahhh... i forgot to take picture of the suprise letter i made for you.DAMN it. but even so, yes.. i glad u love it, and oh ya.. the song that i made for you .... i know its kinda short but haha.. UR ALMOST TEARY EYES great!!!! DATE SUCCEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wohooooooooooooo..... *jumping around* yes..i will be laughing and smiling whenever i read this post again. because here states our happines to be with each other. so as to say "zuto zuto ishioni shinumade" EXCITEMENT.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
![]() let me start with great job juniors for the lunch perfomance. i startled a lil for the rehearsel as it was a real mess. and i was like omg OMG omg. but man..i should have known better to have better faith on you. im so soryy :(( BUTTT the lunch break was a total difference scene as what i saw during the rehearsel. thank GOD! AND its great!! goodjob... pad everyone. "grin" *** it was a complete boredom for the past 2 days. apart from playing basketball with ronnie & jh which is always been fun. (kimmi missed the fun. screw you..) i love you guys... as always~ so apart from that, i was in complete 4 walls room and watched drama all the way. how pathetic can it be? come on.... however, the great thing i ve got to catch up with old friends throughout the world. its fun, and i guess its kinda the ever ever LONG email i ve ever enter. *Japan, Lemberg, Florida ,Seattle , not to forget those long lost friend in Indonesia,- i suppose this is gonna be a great investment if i am going to open a business. a HUH! *** anyway, i kinda think baby and i have a great luck. as in we always get to maximize or even to able to celebrate our plans together. somehow rather...
pray it always stay that way..thank God. i love you daddyGod. ahuh!so on 28/11/2009,- daddyGod please let our plan run smoothly. our first ever plan dates to celebrate our monthly annivesary. i hope the weather its just nice no rain not to hot. i hope the transportation going smoothly. i hope both of us enjoy the celebration. i hope NONE OF OUR SUPRISES GET CAUGHT BY EACH OTHER. this is the most important one. we are lucky as a couple yes but so lucky that we always spoilt each other suprises. aRGhh... i hope we are healthy and not tired that day.EVERYTHING PLEASE BE PERFECT. thank you DaddyGod. amen.. ps: ahh..im excited to see bro too tonight. AND baby tomorrow. yes arh! GOOD LA.. good afternoon going to evening everyone.ENJOY UR NIGHT.buayy~ BTW, its still monochrome for you. please do support ya! buy the CD ALBUM allright?! thanks Mirucky,this song pulls me back to what i used to take granted off. monochrome for you.
Monday, November 23, 2009
dedicated to ,-HEY DEAR FRIENDS, HATERS , and all the people who read this. please do support my dear friend and his group which call "MONOCHROME". they are releasing an album and so im just gonna let you all taste a lil of whats song gonna be inside. i know u gonna love it :))) like i do. its so peacefull down here.its so wonderful and fascinate me so much that i fall asleep. thank goodness. music something i left for so long,but yet it never leaves me. it provide me with the comfort and love that is so irreplaceble. when you took a step back one or two, you ll see thing more clearly. its not about what you choose that affect you,its about what you have become and how you think about it. lovey dokey lovey?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
![]() greatywittie.. say hellwhat? im so not in the mood to write.perhaps, get a hell outta sick of writting for the past 2 weeks. yesh..im so sorry dear darling baby that i ve got to admit it.but ITS NOT really about the laziness but more on the convinince "LIKE COMPUTER" u know? we are not a computer retard u see..!~ oh well, im just kidding -) i love writing such sweety little pie cutey little poney. you know what i meant? how it rhymes to each other .. ouww cutey..~ LOVE & LOVED.
Monday, November 16, 2009
![]() ![]() ps:seriously i think she is damn sexy.with tt shades n the pout. YO.wonder how long it was since i blogged. actually there is no need to wonder since i can just see. OKAY,DOKEY im so lame right now!! ANYROAD (coming from anyway~) , im so contented with my life. seriously? how long since i ve felt that way. and i mean HOW MANY people are like that? "They think they are better if they done this surgerey." "They think they are fat but actually they are like so goin to be anorexia."etc they ve got really lots and lots of unsatisfying needs. for now, i have really great friends around me. though i ve got so many haters who bitch about me too. but yes... with just a combination of really great friends + baby = satisfying.infact Wonderful. so im so happy about that. :)) *** on the friday, firstly,get a chance to dance. life after A DECADE. secondly xiaomei stayed over my house. so its great, finnaly got chance to spend time with her..
i thought i will spend the first night with that light with baby. i didnt expect the light will be spent together with you instead.haha but anyway i love the night. *** on the saturday, day get a lil boring. and gone wasted a lil bit. went to school at 9am. went to alex house after that. watched half sopaholic and zombieland. shopped and spent 8$ ++ which i think retardedly cheap list of what i bought : recently,i get a lil naughty than usual with no baby around. i ve been eating chocolates. get migraine-> pump medicine. baby will be so mad. and spent the rest of the night at kel's house. -ps: and i lost 7 dollar. zZz. wtf?! (playing mahjong) *** oh the sunday, spend with the cut that is high. though not everyone was there. cok was busy wit his project. and shar i ve got no idea what she was doing. so, anyway it was fun. but i meant not the movie because its horrifying!! we watched "paranormal activities". seriously, it sux to the max man! all the dizziness feeling , vomiting feeling i will not want to get through that again. anyway, we shopped around at the night. and i bought cool shades & lovely top. *BIGG GRIN* OKAY STORY END. Ist it great to love and to be loved? :):) lts talk about all the great friends around.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
YAY MAN.. lets talk about the 2nd day of my celebration. i celebrated with my these 2 dearest friend. lets save the crap and mushy part. u guys heard it alot from me anyway. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA "I LOVE YOU" !! AND MAN..we eat a big feast. *** ![]() THIRD CELEBRATIOn with my loviest. my greatest ever have one. its great when it comes to them. there is no need to behave like u are the prettiest woman on earth, there is no way they going to say "man...u are hopeless.." they are just great. wonderfully great. you know sometimes words are not enough to describe such loves. the great present of sexy sophicasted top from hazel. and ipod shuffle from kimi&ron. *** hey darling,im so glad u took a time to spend my birthay. though it wasnt a grand one,and as usual it just a simply a short time period. but i really enjoyed all the catching up and all the great stories u told me :) and u are unreplaceable. thanks for the beautiful great light flower which gonna bring such *** this is the combination of hazel's jasmine's bao's sharon's (big present) kimi&ron 's coicidentally jasmine brought top that i almost wanted to buy few days back. lucky me... HAHA! TODAY,I I DEFINATELLY had so much fun eating sushi with baoxin,jasminie and sharon!! seriously LEO-PARD. and how seriously jasminie BROUGHT so much laughter / how cutee bao will react to THINGS / and crazily sharon who always gigle and gigle and gigle. its so contagious!! and THE KILLER wasabi always make my head go crazeeeeee i just love it man! but not the part u all sing the happy birthay song in the middle of nowhere! seriously so long since i meet bao!!OMG friggin so long. but anyway, lets have another round of THOSE !! its so funnnn haha...THANK youuuuuuuu~ photos are taken by jasminie, i ve got no idea when she gonna upload it though. but not today i supposed since she got to finish up her projects tonight. and some of course with our camwhore queen. hihi "Sharon" okay..im getting too excited. i think i better get some rest! :))))) HAPPY.HAPPY HAPPY.HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. they tick those box with seriously funny answer.haha.. i couldnt stop smiling like a retarded woman in the mrt. ZEN SHE AR NI MEN !!!! LOL ** beautiful?? THIS DOLPHIN SERIOUSLY SUPER BEAUTIFUL THANK YOU SHARON.!!!!!! and i felt so bad u spend so much !! but man..dont worry..... IM FRIGGIN IN LOVE WITH IT.SERIOUSLY..... I can sleep with it too! HAHA! **************************************************************************** ******************************************************************* ************************************************************** ****************************************************** ********************************************** *************************************** ********************************* ************************* a moment. in every laughter i have. it reminds me of you. it reminds me of those happy time i have with you. great laugh that we always have. jokes that only we share. games that only we both know. i ll pray for your safety and health. be well baby.be strong baby. till we meet again. GOod night baby... GOOD NIGHT WORLD.people.LOVES.haters. just everyone. HAPPY 21TH bday christie armita
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
HAPPY FRIGGIN 21th FIRST BIRTHAY TO ME!! Great!!im now older! sigh.. more wrinkles to come. more havoc to come. but oh well... i love it the way it has been. through ups and downs life taught so much. im suppose to get sleep like NOW?! my friend was already dozed off since an hour ago and here i am still writing a piece of wonderful day that just passed. GREAT PEOPLE, not a really great place BUT GREAT FOOD making it A BLAST. thank you everyone who came all the way for me. and leave such a great wonderful memory in my heart.and sharon u finnaly made me cry.-_- further photo refer to xiaomei's facebook.:) its the lil present given by them. isnt it really sweet?i mean look at it. at night sarah was saying "christie,ps ar..nv buy you present.you know im saving so but.. they failed to lie. BECAUSE I KNOW THEY BOUGHT ME SOMETHING!<3 you see..how thoughtfull and sweet! even the plastic bag and wrapping paper has doplhin in it.and its blue btw.:) so anyway, here is what is inside. pretty ! "winking vigorously" this is what i ve got from xioamei.a bag full of candies. but the warmth behind it that really counts. HORX XIAOMEI HORx ps:very hard to get mushy with her.she will think im lesbian.I AM. HOW HOw how?! this from kell and love.WOHOOoo..it adds into my beloved's family. and see how the box making the bottle look so magnificient.HOLYSHIT!! such an inoncent looking box. LETS TAKE A LOOK WHAT IT CONTAINS?! LOLIPOP(I LOVE LOLIPOP) AND DUREX.wth...durex!! proudly present by my dear shaq and honey. :))) its simple but yet so sophisticate. thank you diane and daphne.:) <33 tricia still complaining here is the prezzie given by the wonderful sexy TRIC. beautiful elegance unique..call the shot! last but not least. a very very touching moment. and its from the sharon the babe. very sweet of you!! :)))))))) ANTICIPATING FOR THE BIGGER PRESENT.hihihi this is the day i celebrate my bday with my parent with baby ps : im so thankfull i found you. though this is the first time i celebrate my bday without you since we are together. but im glad you stil make me as special as it was before. love is sweet. more celebration to go..~
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I figured i need silence. |