There is an inner beauty about a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. There is a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn't thrown off by obstacles along the way. There is a beauty about a woman whose confidence comes from experiences; who knows she can fall, pick herself up, and move on
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Yay, i know i just update my blog like last night !!Still i m going to update it a lil since i m pretty free. :smiley face: since BABY who is suppose to reach by afternoon not yet known the status. Bear with me because u gonna see a thousand of my pretty face.LOL!! ..last night i was watching "a japanese make up style". so inspired.. and not to forget to mention i curl my short hair which look retarded now. HAHA! BUT ITS OKAY~ after some twist, it goes well. :) TOLD YOU.GOT ALOT OF MY FACE. hahahahahaHAHAHAHA finnale, baby is already on the way. and kimmi also reaching yewtee. so will meet baby,kimi,ronie together in yewtee for dinner. CIAOZz~
english version Quietly closing my eyes, I see in front of me What I once tried so hard to forget Yours and mine, the song Do you still remember What we experienced together? Those happy times? I can only wait I can say nothing Watching your tears flow We can only love each other Compared with the pain of regretting you This is easier Can you not return to my side? I should have quietly let you go As I stood at that place again Looking at you walking slowly away Silently crying In such a cold season Even if you return once more Give thanks to the holly God.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
![]() so lets make it forever.let us grow together and build a family that filled with loves,happiness, and faith with essence of trust,loyality and faith.
*** Current life,news about my dear bf aka bff will be sent to Brunei for 2 weeks. I suppose some will find it fine to pass 2 weeks without their pilar around uncontactable. They can just keep everything inside them.I suppose i cant. However,let see it in the brighter side,- this a great way to let us grow together, in addition a lesson to be more independent. moreover, strengthen our love,and faith. *** ps: thank you love for your lovely msg. i cant think of any reason for not being contented with my life. i wanna see you soon lovelove :) i cant thank God enough to send me such angels. my babyboy, my dear friends,my brother,my mom. Thank you daddyGod! side track: in order to be irreplacable. one must always be different. for example : while everyone is walking in the same direction, if you feel its not quite right,you need the courage to walk in the oopposite direction. if you have a dream, it should give you courage. only that kind of person create a new path.if you trully wish to be that person you need to prepare to be alone. -coco chanel how many people actually have the courage to be different? by the way,i just realize variety technologies are so convinience nowadays. 3 persons ask me the same question in three different way of communication means. one on the phone,one on the msn, while another one by msg. anyway,anyhow HAPPY BDAY DEAR MIAO.:) MAY GOD ALWAYS BLESS YOU LIKE HE ALWAYS BLESS ME. :)))) lonely.
Monday, December 21, 2009
![]() its time where you sometimes feel lost. lonely.alone.tired and frustated. and rain makes you feel cold and worst in some point. when you just cant stop sputter sparks... but deep down those sparks are just simply frustation because you cant just being more truthfull that,- missing is the hardest part in the moment and how lonely i felt. on the side note: its those times you ll remember, how waking up beside you and cuddle seems to be the best cure. i suppose i have been hard on myself and drown in stress. family and its drama.work and its society. seems to drain my energy. im sorry it seems that i vent it on you. DAY without words.
Monday, December 14, 2009
BELOW PHOTO TAKEN IN RACH RACHEL BDAY. THE RETARD KIND. thousand pieces of baby and me. HAHAHAHAHAa. ugly but i like^* ![]() TITLE. RETARDS SPEC. ITS COOLS YO! come on admit it. i ve got not much words. as u can see this is part of my creativity,dont ammend it as narccism. not out of boredom,actually abit la abit la.. anyway,COOL. goodnight world. ps baby recover well,u got to do ur own wound dressing while you are inside. gambateeh.muacks.anata,daisuki suki suki suki~ its called autistic.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
![]() its kinda super late.ah huh. but super HAPPY BIRTHAY TO dear FE. thank you cheryl for introducing me to those girls. they are such a wonderful girlfriends and people not to forget to mention PRETTAYYY,HOTTIE, AND SO COOL like hwang" haha..oh ya also DRUNKARD. idiot~ lol! its fun to hang around you guys. waliew..again againn~ okay not this wednesday la fee.. bo lui le psst met with sharon yesterday,but i couldnt recall anything interesting because i was super dead and she is too. im so sorry sharon! Life has been revolving with PRCP right now. God do take care of my beloved baby. amen. narcissism.
Friday, December 4, 2009
FUCK MY INTERNET CONNECTION JUST PURELY FUCK TARD! AND I VE GOT TO RE WRITE EVERYTHING I VE JUST WRITTEN. FUCK !im so lazy. cut it short. i met with Cheryl these few days. fun. i love meeting with Mike after so long finnally we catched up with each other life. fun. i love my oldies buddies. ps: baby,we will be fine. you will be fine because im your pilar. we are pilar for each other. you ve got to know noone can be the way you are. and thats what i love about you. i hope my msg cure your insecurities as much as it cures my own insecurities.i have faith in us. list to do : *learn how to cook *learn how to be dilligent *learn how to stop scolding vulgarities such as nabei nabu cheebyee (restricted to fuck only as it is less ahlianish)
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I figured i need silence. |